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Dianetics books and lectures to be bought online A book of 512 pages,
translated into 53 languages,
with over 20 million of copies sold worldwide!

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Dianetics - librairie-dianetique-these-originelle

Item price:

17,00 €




Correspondence course price (without the item):

20,00 €




Dianetics: the Original Thesis

Here are the fundamental breakthroughs Ron used to make the first Clears — breakthroughs which made possible the development of technology for use by every individual to begin the clearing of a planet, breakthroughs only contained in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.

Dianetics - librairie-dianetique-evolution-science

Item price:

17,00 €




Correspondence course price (without the item):

20,00 €




Dianetics: the Evolution of a Science

The story of the greatest adventure of all — the exploration that discovered the Reactive Mind and the technology to conquer it.

Dianetics - librairie-dianetique

Item price:

20,00 €




Correspondence course price (without the item):

20,00 €





“Dianetics is an adventure. It is an exploration into Terra Incognita, the human mind, that vast and hitherto unknown realm half an inch back of our foreheads.” — L. Ron Hubbard

Dianetics - librairie-dianetique-guide-visuel

Item price:

23,00 €




Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Mind

In less than one hour, you will see the basic Dianetics principles and procedures demonstrated step-by-step so you can use them with confidence and certainty. See how the mind works. Watch Dianetics procedure in application so you can start using it right away to have less stress and anxiety, gain more happiness and achieve your goals. Just watch this program, sit down with a friend and start.

Dianetics - librairie-self-analyse

Item price:

17,00 €




Correspondence course price (without the item):

20,00 €




Self Analysis

Self Analysis describes a broad array of discoveries including time, remembering, forgetting, imagination, valences and special auditing lists for each. And beyond all those revelations, self-processing lists that provide the most powerful of auditing and which can be done anywhere and at any time — uncovering the real world of you.

Dianetics - librairie-dianetique-introduction

Item price:

16,00 €




Introduction to Dianetics

Hear L. Ron Hubbard introduce Dianetics and how he developed it! This is your introduction to the breakthrough that changed forever the way man regards his mind and his true potentials, sparking a movement that has expanded across the world — Dianetics.

Dianetics - librairie-dianetique-conferences

Item price:

68,00 €




Dianetics Lectures & Demonstrations

Broaden your understanding of the mind with these in-depth explanations of Dianetics and how to use them. L. Ron Hubbard delivered these lectures after the publication of Dianetics detailing his latest breakthroughs. Companion to Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.

Dianetics - librairie-problemes-travail

Item price:

17,00 €




Correspondence course price (without the item):

20,00 €




The Problems of Work

The Problems of Work contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bare the core of these problems and explain the very fabric of life itself.

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Item price:

20,00 €




The Problems of Work

The Problems of Work contains the senior principles and laws which apply to every endeavor, every problem of work. For they are the discoveries which lay bare the core of these problems and explain the very fabric of life itself.

Dianetics - librairie-science-survie

Item price:

40,00 €




Correspondence course price (without the item):

20,00 €




Science of Survival

Designed from the Hubbard Human Evaluation Chart, Science of Survival provides the first accurate prediction of human behavior. The book presents all the manifestations of an individual's survival potential, from the highest to the lowest. This makes it the most complete work on the emotional tone scale. By knowing only one or two characteristics in a person and by using the table provided with the book, you can locate her/him on this graduated scale and you obtain a precise description of her/his personality and his behavior.

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