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What is your Opinion?

Do you think people can be helped?
  Yes   No

Has anyone ever helped you?
  Yes   No

Is control a necessary part of life?
  Yes   No

Can control ever be a good thing?
  Yes   No

Do you feel that the feeling of guilt makes a person want to communicate less?
  Yes   No

Do you feel that doing bad actions can push one to do more (bad actions)?
  Yes   No

Do you think that it is a good thing for people to be able to discuss the things that they have done and are not communicating about, without being judged or blamed?
  Yes   No

Is there anything that you would like to change or improve about yourself?
  Yes   No

Is there anything about life, that you want to know more about?
  Yes   No

Optional information
 Submit your answers. Thank you for your participation!

“Once one has gained a foothold on unknown lands, more things become known to him and with each datum his horizon further widens, including broader bodies of knowledge… Dianetics has, as yet, a brief history: it has a strong youth: it forecasts a better tomorrow… The history of Dianetics is scarce begun.”

Dianetics, book 3, chap. 10